Bill Murray is Carl. By Steve Vivona Warner, $24.95 What can you say about "Caddyshack?" For anyone born after 1965 it's the funniest (and most quotable) movie ever made. Sure, there's "Animal House," "The Blues Brothers," "The Jerk" and "Blazing Saddles" (not to mention "The Monty Python" films), but this is the one Betty...Danny. Why? It's hard to say, but the first reason has to be the cast. It's a dream-team ensemble that includes Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Bill Murray and Chevy Chase (in top form during his pre-suck years!) The four of them have such disparate comedic styles that all of them bring something magical to the mix! Here's another good reason. It's rated R. In 1984, in response to harsh criticisms leveled against PG films such as "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," and "Poltergeist," the MPAA instituted the PG-13 rating, and as far as I'm concerned, killed comedy in the process. To get that youthful dollar studios scaled back on the lengths their comedies could go. With the exception of the Farrely brothers movies have you ever seen a really over-the-top comedy since 1985? Ever see a Mel Brooks movie since then? Or for that matter (ugh) a Rodney Dangerfield movie? "Caddyshack" revels in its sexual innuendo, its drug humor, its boogers and its doody. It's the story of Betty..Danny, a young caddy who'd rather win the caddy tournament and pocket a wad of cash than go to college and make something of himself. His idol is Ty Webb (Chase) a burned out golf pro who spouts zen gibberish to Danny about life and golf. A parallel story to Danny's saga is the arrival of Al Czervick (love those names!), a slovenly developer who'd like nothing more than to buy Bushwood ("BUY Bushwood?") and level it for condos. He attracts the ire of Judge Smails (Knight), a snob of the highest order, a man dedicated to preserving the dignity of Bushwood. Last but not least there's Carl ("About to become the master's champion!") Bill Murray steals the film as a doped out groundskeeper at war with a pesky golpher ("Gopher! You great git!!") He's caddied for the Dalai Lama himself ("The robes, the grace. Striking.") and now he's settled in to his role as Assistant Groundskeeper at Bushwood. His ship will come in though when his own personal hybrid of Kentucky Bluegrass and Nothern California Sensamein hits the market! In a moment of rage, and harried beyond belief by Al, the judge agrees to a round of golf for an obscene sum of money. All the stories converge during this illegal match as Betty..Danny meets his true destiny and Carl wages his final battle against the gopher who digs Kenny Loggins. What else can you say about "Caddyshack?" You can't analyze it too much. It's just funny as hell. The DVD has a great documentary with some never-before-seen footage which only sweetens the deal. C'mon, what do you stand for?

The real star of "Caddyshack." 
Carl and Ty. |